One-Way-Mirror Society: Conclusion

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New forms of sophisticated digital sign networks are being deployed widely by retailers and others in both public and private spaces. Few consumers, legislators, regulators, or policy makers are aware of the capabilities of digital signs or of the extent of their use. The technology presents new problems and highlights old conflicts about privacy, public spaces, and the need for a meaningful debate. The privacy problems inherent in digital networks are profound, and to date these issues have not been adequately addressed by anyone.

Digital signage networks, if left unaddressed, have the potential to create a new form of secret and highly sophisticated marketing surveillance, with the prospect of unfairness, discrimination, and abuses of personal information. Industry has taken a small step with its draft code of conduct, but the issues are too broad and too important to be left to industry control alone.

Much more needs to be done. This report by the World Privacy Forum seeks to shed light in a dark area and to start a more robust public debate. We cannot allow secret surveillance cameras to become the signs of our times.



Roadmap: The One-Way-Mirror Society – Privacy Implications of the new Digital Signage Networks: IX. Conclusion


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