Privacy News: Obama launches sweeping privacy plan

President Obama announced a sweeping set of proposals around privacy today as he spoke from the venue of the FTC. The World Privacy Forum is pleased with the announcement, but retain some concerns. “We are pleased to see the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights head into actual legislation at long last, but we are concerned about state pre-emption in some of the proposals,” said WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon. “Pre-empting strong state privacy law is not what we want to see for consumers.” The legislation has not been introduced yet, but will be in the next 45 days. Dixon urged focus on data broker opt out: “This is an ideal time for the WPF’s and the FTC’s vision of a national data broker opt out to be placed into legislative language and enacted to protect consumers.”

WPF will be following events very closely; look for more news and analysis here.

Key information to read/see: