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Below, articles in which the World Privacy Forum or its researchers are quoted. In chronological order, most recent first. For interviews, please contact the World Privacy Forum at +1(760) 712-4281 or info2009@worldprivacyforum.org.

Recent WPF Press Releases:

July 21, 2012: California, Don't Weaken Californians' Health Privacy Laws


Press Stories:


COMPUTERWORLD, 12 July 2012, Privacy groups questions NTIA's focus on mobile privacy transparency, Grant Gross.

JORNAL FLORIPA, 07 July 2012, Mapa do genoma do consumidor a venda.

HEALTHCARE IT NEWS, 02 July 2012, California privacy law could ease, despite strong voter support, Erin McCann.

INVESTING ANSWERS, 29 June 2012, The 31 billion dollar health insurance mistake, and how to avoid it, Gina Roberts-grey.

GOVERNMENT HEALTH IT, 21 June 2012, 13 Ways to guard against mobile device risks, Michelle McNickle.

NEW YORK TIMES, 16 June 2012, You for Sale, Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome, Natasha Singer.

(further updates to 2012 coming soon)


SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 16 August 2011, Facebook stops drugmakers' comment feature, Victoria Colliver.

CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY IWATCH NEWS, 12 August 2011, Privacy advocates want stricter rules for online, patient-controlled health records, Kimberly Leonard.

FINS, 12 August 2011, Blasting your resume everywhere can hurt your job search, Alina Dizik.

IDAHO PRESS TRIBUNE, 09 August 2011, The biggest threat in medicine: Medical ID theft, Dale Dixon.

NORTHEAST PUBLIC RADIO, THE HEALTH SHOW, 04 August 2011, Medical Identity Theft, Ashley Milne-Tyte. (RealAudio)

MULTICHANNEL NEWS, 19 July 2011, Privacy coalition asks for teen-targeted protections, John Eggerton.

BUFFALO NEWS, 15 July 2011, Google's street view car revists WNY for photos, Tim Graham.

ABC NEWS, 24 June 2011, Background checks now include Twitter, Facebook, Alan Farnham.

KOMO NEWS, 24 June 2011, Using the same password for different sites is asking for trouble, Herb Weisbaum.

NPR MARKETPLACE, 21 June 2011, Medical identity theft, radio interview, Ashley Milne-Tyte.

PC WORLD, 31 May 2011, Facebook earns praise for privacy changes, Juan Carlos Perez.

BLOOMBERG, 27 May 2011, SAT Test's teen data collection prompts query, Janet Lorin.

MSNBC, 17 March 2011, Obama administration seeks Internet privacy bill.

THE STREET.COM, 16 March 2011, Consumer groups warn Obama privacy law could be dominated by industry.

REUTERS INDIA, 16 March 2011, Obama administration seeks internet privacy bill, Diane Bartz.

BANGKOK POST, 13 January 2011, Privacy fears mount as ad targeting grows.


NEW YORK TIMES, 16 December 2010, A federal office to guide online privacy is urged, Tanzina Vega.

FOX NEWS, 07 December 2010, Would a Do Not Track list work?

NEW YORK TIMES, 23 November 2010, Privacy groups fault online health sites for sharing user data with marketers, Natasha Singer.

NEW YORK TIMES, 10 October 2010, New Web code draws concern over privacy risks, Tanzina Vega.

NEW YORK TIMES, 04 October 2010, Group unveils program to let users opt out of web ads, Tanzina Vega.

PC WORLD, 27 May 2010, Facebook's privacy changes get mixed reviews, Brennon Slattery.

HEALTHCARE IT NEWS, 24 May 2010, AMA Files suit against FTC over looming Red Flags rule, Molly Merrill.

CSPAN, 07 May 2010, US Department of Commerce, Internet and Privacy Laws, testimony (video).

WIRED MAGAZINE, 04 May 2010, Groups call privacy legislation Orwellian, David Kravets.

PC MAGAZINE, 04 May 2010, Boucher's privacy bill scolded by consumer groups, Chloe Albanesius.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 02 May 2010, States want to share patient Rx use to curb abuse, Greg Risling.

WIRED, 09 April 2010, Privacy groups want feds to investigate targeted ads, Ryan Singel.

NEW YORK TIMES, 19 March 2010, In bid to sway sales, cameras track shoppers, Stephanie Rosenbloom.

INFORMATION WEEK, 20 January 2010, Microsoft seeks new legal framework for Cloud, J. Nicholas Hoover.

COMPUTERWORLD, 06 January 2010, FTC to examine cloud privacy concerns, Jaikumar Vijayan.

HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT MAGAZINE, 01 January 2010, User authentication strategies, Howard J. Anderson.


SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 30 December 2009, As facebook thrives, does privacy have to fade? Benny Evangelista.

INFORMATION WEEK, 14 December 2009, Los Angeles goes Google, Thomas Claburn.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 11 December 2009, Facebook privacy revisions sign post for healthcare, Joesph Conn.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 29 November 2009, Patient ID theft rises, Jilian Mincer.

IT BUSINESS EDGE, 20 November 2009, House subcommittees weigh data collection trend against consumer privacy, Lora Bentley.

MEDIAPOST, 19 November 2009, Lawmakers, inching toward a privacy bill, question data-mining reapers, Wendy Davis.

INTERNETNEWS.COM, 19 November 2009, House panel moves closer to privacy bill, Kenneth Corbin.

HILLICON VALLEY, 19 November 2009, Lawmakers probe deeper into privacy, Kim Hart.

COMPUTERWORLD, 23 October 2009, Analysis: REAL ID program on life support, Jaikumar Vijayan.

CBS-5 SAN FRANCISCO, 23 October 2009, California jobs website glitch exposes ID theft risk, interview.

THE BALTIMORE SUN, 05 October 2009, Online your life is searchable, David Sarno.

DEFENSE COUNSEL JOURNAL, 01 October 2009, The FTC's Red Flag Rule: not just another nuisance, Mary Anne Robben, Diane S. Milton, Mark C. Mellow.

US NEWS, 16 September 2009, Time to switch to an online personal health record? Katherine Hobson.

EDITOR & PUBLISHER, 08 September 2009, Pressure mounts for better rules on how web advertising targets customers, Brian Morrissey.

PC MAGAZINE, 02 September 2009, Consumer groups slam behavioral tracking, Chloe Albanesius.

WIRED, 01 September 2009, Privacy groups urge curbs on online targeting, Ryan Singel.

PC WORLD, 01 September 2009, Privacy, consumer groups want new laws to protect web users, Grant Gross.

INFORMATION WEEK, 01 September 2009, Privacy group coalition urges data regulation, Thomas Claburn.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 02 September 2009, Privacy advocates outline principles for legislation.

EWEEK, 01 September 2009, Consumer advocates ask for FTC's help in curbing behavioral targeting tactics.

DOW JONES NEWS SERVICE, 01 September 2009, Privacy groups send e-commerce recommendations to Capitol, Fawn Johnson.

AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 01 September 2009, Privacy groups press US Congress for online safeguards.

BBC, 31 August 2009, Curbs urged for behavioural ads, Maggie Shiels.

SMART MONEY, 28 August 2009, Claim denied? Fraud score may be to blame, Aleksandra Todorova.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 21 August 2009, Online privacy groups decry model's suit that outed blogger, James Temple.

AMERICAN BANKER, 12 August 2009, Security watch, Daniel Wolfe.

COMPUTERWORLD, 10 August 2009, Twitter breach revives cloud security fears, Jaikumar Vijayan.

NEW YORK TIMES, 09 August 2009, And you thought a prescription was private, Milt Freudenheim.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 21 July 2009, The city of Los Angeles and proposed adoption of Google Apps for municipal email.

TECHWEB, 20 July 2009, Google Apps contract hits security headwind.

NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 20 July 2009, Security, privacy concerns over Google's cloud.

MEDIA POST, 19 July 2009, Privacy concerns over the cloud in LA, Wendy Davis.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 17 July 2009, Concerns raised as LA looks to Google web services, Michael R. Blood, Joelle Tessler, cont.

CNBC, 11 July 2009, Medical ID theft, interview. [click to play video clip].

NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, 08 July 2009, Cloud computing brings new legal challenges, Shari Claire Lewis.

FORBES, 07 July 2009, Obama's cyber plan raises privacy hackles, Andy Greenberg.

BUSINESS WEEK, 06 July 2009, Differing definitions of "sensitive data," Douglas MacMillan.

BUFFALO NEWS, 24 June 2009, Medical charts now online, Stephen T. Watson.

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, 08 July 2009, Tips for fighting identity theft, Sheryl Harris.

GIGAOM, 20 June 2009, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde and privacy on the web, Kevin Kelleher.

ABC GOOD MORNING AMERICA, 14 June 2009, Stealing surgeries, interview.

TIMES-PICAYUNE, 14 June 2009, Beware, identity thieves want you! Ronette King.

NEW YORK TIMES, 13 June 2009, Tips for avoiding or recovering from insurance ID theft, Walecia Konrad.

CONTRA COSTA TIMES, 24 May 2009, Dr. Kate Scannell: The business of identity theft, Kate Scannell.

NEWSDAY, 24 May 2009, Your money, Peter King.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 16 May 2009, State fines Kaiser, Victoria Colliver.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 13 May 2009, Google's street view halted in Greece over privacy, Derek Gatopoulos.

COMPUTERWORLD, 11 May 2009, What Google knows about you, Robert L. Mitchell.

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, 10 May 2009, Resumes posted online prime source for scammers, Sheryl Harris.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 29 April 2009, Tech chronicles, Victoria Colliver.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 28 April 2009, FTC commissioner.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 20 April 2009, Breach umbrella, Joseph Conn.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 17 April 2009, FTC takes on bigger role to protect PHR privacy, Joseph Conn.

BROADBAND FINDER, 17 April 2009, Behavioral marketing needs users' consent, Tim Bisley.

MSNBC, 16 April 2009, Opting out is hard to do -- it takes a letter, Bob Sullivan.

LONDON FREE PRESS, 13 April 2009, Cloud computing requires savvy, David Canton.

AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 13 April 2009, Medicine slams FTC over forcing physicians to police identity theft.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 07 April 2009, Cable's answer to online's ad success: targeting, Deborah Yao.

CONSUMERIST, 07 April 2009, What's HIPAA all about? Ben Popken.

BUSINESS WEEK, 02 April 2009, Facebook Connect: Your 8,000 hidden friends, Douglas MacMillan.

NEW YORK TIMES, 31 March 2009, A how-to guide to keeping medical records private, Riva Richmond.

IHEALTH BEAT, 10 March 2009, Privacy advocates support language in Federal stimulus package, but some questions remain.

MEDIAPOST, 01 March 2009, Privacy: the more you know, Wendy Davis.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 25 February 2009, Insult, meet injury; misleading advertisements add to the frustrations of online job seekers, Sarah E. Needleman.

COMPUTERWORLD, 25 February 2009, Report cites potential privacy gotchas in cloud computing, Jaikumar Vijayan.

SC MAGAZINE, 24 February 2009, Report: Privacy issues plague cloud computing, Angela Moscaritolo.

TG DAILY, 24 February 2009, Does cloud computing cause security risks?

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 23 February 2009, How to protect your privacy online, Deborah Gage.

TELECOMSEUROPE, 23 February 2009, FTC online privacy guidelines faulted.

NEW YORK TIMES, 23 February 2009, Does cloud computing mean more risks to privacy? Saul Hansell.

INVESTMENT NEWS, 23 February 2009, Picking our pockets surgically, Jim Pavia.

THE NEWS-GAZETTE, 22 February 2009, Crimes tougher to detect -- and fix, Debra Pressey.

BUSINESS WEEK, 19 February 2009, Facebook's fine print fiasco, Douglas MacMillan.

USA TODAY, 16 February 2009, Our view on technology: Don't sacrifice privacy when digitizing medical records.

BUSINESS WEEK, 16 February 2009, FTC online privacy guidelines faulted, Douglas MacMillan.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 17 February 2009, Career Journal: It isn't always a job behind an online job posting, Sarah E. Needleman.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON DAILY, 13 February 2009, FTC behavioral advertising principles reinforce self-regulation.

CNET, 12 February 2009, Congressman, privacy groups challenge FTC Web-ad policy, Stephanie Condon.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 08 February 2009, Health costs: debate over digitizing, Jilian Mincer.

NBC SAN DIEGO, 06 February 2009, Nice resume, I'd prefer your SS#, Bob Hansen.

SC MAGAZINE, 30 January 2009, Stimulus bill includes protection for digital health care records, Dan Kaplan.

IHEALTHBEAT, 30 January 2009, Stimulus package brings out wide range of privacy opinions, George Lauer.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 29 January 2009, The menace in the machines: cyber scams on the up in the downturn, M.P. McQueen.

CNET, 28 January 2008, Data privacy day's messages for Obama, consumers, Elinor Mills.

USA TODAY, 26 January 2009, Security experts ask Obama for help, Byron Acohido.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 20 January 2009, FTC expertise needed to fight medical ID theft, Joseph Conn.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON DAILY, 15 January 2009, Industry still divided on government versus privacy standards, Leslie Cantu.

INTERNET NEWS, 14 January 2009, Web firms, advocates draw lines in privacy fight, Kenneth Corbin.

WMBB-TV (Florida), 14 January 2009, Safety tips for online job seekers, Erin Hawley.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON DAILY, 07 January 2009, Reports of data breaches increased 47 percent in 2008.

PBS, KUCI, 07 January 2009, Medical identity theft, interview, Mari Frank.


HEALTH BLOG, 23 December 2008, Ex-Cedars-Sinai worker charged with identity theft, health fraud.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 17 December 2008, NAI updates behavioral advertising principles but not enough for all.

CNET, 16 December 2008, Privacy groups ask Obama for stronger FTC.

HEALTHCAREIT NEWS, 15 December 2008, Leavitt releases his personal doctrine on healthcare IT privacy.

PC WORLD CANADA, 09 December 2008, Google flu trends spreads privacy concern.

IT BUSINESS EDGE, 02 December 2008, How anonymous do businesses need to be?

WALL STREET JOURNAL HEALTH BLOG, 01 December 2008, UnitedHealth takes on Net giants with venture, Victoria Knight.

PHYSICIAN'S NEWS DIGEST, 01 December 2008, Identity theft compliance for physicians.

ABC 7 NEWS (San Francisco), 24 November 2008, Web site tracks employment history, interview, Michael Finney.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 24 November 2008, No data-mining zone; Appeals court ruling favors N.H. law.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 18 November 2008, Job seekers aim to protect their privacy in digital age.

ABC 7 NEWS (San Francisco) 18 November 2008, New device collects callers' information, interview, Michael Finney.

ASIA PULSE, 04 November 2008, First international privacy and security conference in Tokyo.

KPBS, 03 November 2008, Interview with Tom Fudge, patient privacy and electronic health care records.

AMA NEWS, 26 October 2008, Caught unaware, doctors get delay in FTC enforcement of ID theft rules.

HEALTHCARE IT NEWS, 24 October 2008, FTC extends deadline on "red flag" rule, Bernie Monegain.

RHEINISCHER MERKUR, 23 October 2008, Datenschutz, Sicher unsicher, Von Joachim Jakobs.

HEALTHCARE IT NEWS, 17 October 2008, ONC tackles medical identity theft, Diana Manos.

INFOWORLD, 17 October 2008, Why you care about insurance fraud, Christina Tynan-Wood.

AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 16 October 2008, New rules covering medical identity theft might apply to physicians.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 14 October 2008, MySpace taps small business in ad money quest, Rachel Metz.

PRESS DEMOCRAT, 13 October 2008, Policy updates urged to protect residents' privacy, Nathan Halverson.

AISHEALTH.COM, 06 October 2008, Government news of the week.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 29 September 2008, Consumer technology -- one key fits all: so many web sites, so many usernames, so many passwords, Elaine Mills.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 26 September 2008, FTC consumer safety rules tackle medical ID theft, Joseph Conn.

GOVERNMENT HEALTH IT, 24 September 2008, Crimes of the chart, John Pulley.

MEDINDIA, 23 September 2008, World Privacy Forum publishes Red Flag Rule suggestions for hospitals.

MARKETING WEEK, 11 September 2008, Google measures fail to reassure privacy groups.

THE STRAITS TIMES (Singapore), 10 September 2008, Don't wear your heart on your sleeve; Be careful that what you reveal online doesn't come back to haunt you, Lim Yee Hung.

PRIVACY JOURNAL, September 2008, Who's news and what's happening.

NPR, 26 August 2008, Doctors fear effects of illegal immigrant's arrest, Jessica Jones, interview.

AMERICAN HEALTH LINE, 24 August 2008, Health providers might not be aware of new rule.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 22 August 2008, Medical identity theft spreads: purloined data often the crime of insiders, Judith Graham.

HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 18 August 2008, Medical records emerge as latest trend in ID theft, David Ellison.

WASHINGTON POST, 16 August 2008, A social network for your doctor, pharmacist and insurer, Kendra Marr.

BNA, 14 August 2008, Medical identity theft becoming a widespread national fraud problem, Michael Bologna.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 08 August 2008, Yahoo to let visitors decline more targeted ads, Anick Jesdanun.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 30 July 2008, Medical rules mean new market, Dinah Wisenberg Brin.

PATRIOT LEDGER, 26 July 2008, Privatizing your name on Web isn't easy.

DOW JONES, 22 July 2008, Hospitals subject to new ID theft rules, Dinah Wisenberg Brin.

BUFFALO NEWS, 16 July 2008, Google Street View brings the world to Buffalo's front doors, Stephen T. Watson.

IBLS INTERNET LAW, 09 July 2008, NY Court orders YouTube user records released.

COMPUTERWORLD, 08 July 2008, Privacy groups to Google: what took you so long? Linda Rosencrance.

EWEEK, 07 July 2008, Google relents on privacy policy link, Roy Mark.

NEWSFACTOR, 07 July 2008, Google responds to privacy critics with link to policy, Jennifer LeClaire.

IT WEEK, 07 July 2008, Google responds to privacy calls, David Neal.

THE INDUSTRY STANDARD, 07 July 2008, Roundup.

ZDNET UK, 07 July 2008, Google homepage link mollifies privacy campaigners, Natalie Weinstein.

CNET NEWS, 05 July 2008, Google's new privacy link, Natalie Weinstein.

ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE, 02 July 2008, Baptist Health alerts patients to ID theft, Toby Manthey.

SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN, 02 July 2008, Bad medicine, Jake Whitney.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 24 June 2008, Preying on patients, Kristen Gerencher.

DOW JONES MARKETWATCH, 19 June 2008, Medical identity theft poses risks to health and wealth, Kristen Gerencher.

COMPUTERWORLD, 19 June 2008, Ask.com places privacy policy link in home page, Juan Carlos Perez.

KGTV SAN DIEGO, 15 June 2008, Local man sentenced for deleting medical records, interview.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 12 June 2008, Remedies that hurt; two proposals by state officials would weaken the security surrounding prescription records.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 10 June 2008, How can I get my name offline? Tali Arbel.

DALLAS MORNING NEWS, 09 June 2008, ID theives are targeting medical information, Pamela Yip.

THE REGISTER UK, 06 June 2007, Cavalcade of privacy watchdogs bark for data pimping probe, Cade Metz.

ZDNET UK, 05 June 2008, Campaigners call for Google privacy policy link, Tom Espiner.

COMPUTERWORLD, 04 June 2008, Google asked to add home page link to privacy policies, Jaikumar Vijayan.

PUBLISH, 04 June 2008, Google gets more pressure from privacy groups.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 04 June 2008, Google privacy knocked; law requires more prominent display consumer groups say, Verne Kopytoff.

THE REGISTER UK, 03 June 2008, World realizes Google home page is "illegal," Cade Metz.

EWEEK, 03 June 2008, Groups push Google on privacy disclosure.

BBC, 03 June 2008, Google accused over privacy law, Maggie Shiels.

HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT, 01 June 2008, What will stop data breaches? Joseph Goedert.

BANKRATE.COM, 27 May 2008, The many facets of identity theft, Sheyna Steiner.

BEST'S INSURANCE NEWS, 22 May 2008, California insurers to promote portability of health records, Sean P. Carr.

SHANGHAI DAILY, 21 May 2008, Google unveils new site to collate users' health records.

THE TIMES & TRANSCRIPT (New Brunswick), 21 May 2008, Google launches electronic medical record access.

AMERICAN HEALTH LINE, 20 May 2008, Opens public access to online PHR service.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 20 May 2008, Google makes health service publicly available, Rachel Metz.

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 06 May 2008, This week's web winners: get to work on finding that summer job, Reid Kanaley.

USA TODAY, 06 May 2008, Identity thieves prey on patients' medical records, Julie Appelby.

NPR, 05 May 2008, Healthcare and privacy, "Forum with Michael Krasny," interview.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 02 May 2008, 6,000 UCSF patients' info lands on Internet; Medical center didn't inform them of breach for 6 months, Elizabeth Fernandez.

SATURDAY EVENING POST, 01 May 2008, Who's looking at your medical records? Laurie Robertson.

HOSPITALS & HEALTH NETWORKS, 01 May 2008, Researchers hack implantable devices, Douglas Page.

HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT, May 2008, PHRs: Where are we headed? Howard J. Anderson.

NBC 7/39, 28 April 2008, Medical identity theft, interview.

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, 17 April 2008, Another privacy alarm on health records, David LaGesse.

CBS-MIAMI, 17 April 2008, Medical identity theft.

KGTV-SAN DIEGO, 12 April 2008, Medical identity theft, interview.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 09 April 2008, Nearly half of data breaches not disclosed; report, Joseph Conn.

E-COMMERCE TIMES, 08 April 2008, EC group could spur search privacy sea change, Erica Morphy

AMERICAN HEALTH LINE, 08 April 2008, Washington Times examines privacy issues.

WASHINGTON TIMES, 08 April 2008, Sneak peeks: Stars' medical records and yours; in digital age, personal data not as secure as you think, Karen Goldberg Goff.

THE CHARLESTON GAZETTE, 07 April 2008, Savvy Senior: how to get your name off marketers' mailing lists, Jim Miller.

INFORMATION TODAY, 01 April 2008, News products and networking tools take center stage, Paula J. Hane.

MEDIAPOST, 31 March 2008, Study: web users dislike being tracked, even anonymously, Wendy Davis.

MARKETWATCH, 27 March 2008, To trust or not to trust personal health records? Kristen Gerencher.

MEDIAPOST, 21 March 2008, Advertisers, privacy advocates debate where to draw line, Wendy Davis.

COLORADO SPRING BUSINESS JOURNAL, 21 March 2008, Identity theft expands to health care, Amy Gillentine.

AMERICAN CHRONICLE, 20 March 2008, Naughty UCLA employees peek at Britney's medical information, Ed Dickson.

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, 17 March 2008, Thief vs. patient, Michelle Andrews.

FOX, 12 March 2008, The Mike and Juliet show, medical identity theft, interview.

VENTURA COUNTY STAR, 06 March 2008, Stolen medical records can be costly, deadly, Tom Kisken.

DIE WELT, 05 March 2008, Nackt bis auf die Google-Akte; Google Health will anbieten, alle Gesundheitsdaten vom Impfpass bis zu den Diagnosen, Von Travis Reed.

BERLINER MORGENPOST, 05 March 2008, Google will Medizin-Daten speichern.

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, 05 March 2008, Health records shared online pose dilemma, Keith Darc.

THE HILL, 04 March 2008, Google, Microsoft eye lucrative market for healthcare IT, Jeffrey Young.

NEWSDAY, 03 March 2008, Online health records raise privacy worries, Kathleen Kerr.

NEWSWEEK, 03 March 2008, Web surfer, heal theyself, Steven Levy.

AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 02 March 2008, Les dossier medicaux personnels, nouvel enjeu pour Google et Microsoft, Laurence Benhamou.

CONSUMER REPORTS, March 2008, Prevent medical identity theft.

SELF MAGAZINE, March 2008, The imposter in the ER, medical identity theft can leave you with hazardous errors in health files. Richard Rys.

AMERICAN HEALTH LINE, 28 February 2008, Experts urge caution with PHRs, medical web sites.

CMP TECHWEB, 28 February 2008, Google readies Google health.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 28 February 2008, Google health will rely on third parties, won't be ad-supported, Travis Reed.

DOW JONES, 28 February 2008, Google health won't be supported by ads, CEO says.

THE WASHINGTON POST, 27 February 2008, Hazardous to your privacy? Steven Levy.

TELEPHONY, 25 February 2008, Privacy matters, Ed Gubbins.

ZDNET FRANCE, 25 February 2008, Quand Google, Microsoft & Co s'interessent nos donnees medicales, Estelle Dumout.

THE CAPITAL, 24 February 2008, Google to store patients' health records in test of new service.

UNITED NEWS OF INDIA, 23 Feburary 2008, Google to expand health record management.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 22 February 2008, Google to store patients' health records, Michael Liedke.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 22 February 2008, Google's medical records system getting checkup, Victoria Colliver.

USA TODAY, 22 February 2008, Google plan for medical info raises privacy issues, Janet Kornblum.

THE WASHINGTON TIMES, 22 February 2008, Google to store patients' records, critics worry about privacy, Kara Rowland.

HEALTHCARE ECONOMIST, 21 February 2008, Google health, Jason Shafrin.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 21 February 2008, Health records may lack certain privacy protections, Victoria E. Knight.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 20 February 2008, Pitfalls seen in health data storage sites; providers not subject to rules that govern privacy, security, Deborah Gage.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 06 February 2008, It's easier to get off mailing lists and cut out unwanted catalogs, card offers, Eileen Alt Powell.

NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, 04 February 2008, Getting to know you, Amy Goldsmith and Marc Misthal.

KFMB-TV, 01 February 2008, Medical identity theft, interview.

MSNBC.COM, 30 January 2008, Stop the catalog madness! Herb Weisbaum.

WTX-PHILADELPHIA, 28 January 2008, Top Ten Opt Out, interview.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 25 January 2008, Markle report suggests PHR ID verification, Joseph Conn.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 21 January 2008, Firm's ad-serving system measures interests of users, Brian Bergstein.

TURLOCK JOURNAL, 16 January 2008, Patient profiling system coming to a hospital near you, Cherie Davis.

KIPLINGER PERSONAL FINANCE, 13 January 2008, Lassoing personal medical records into one file, Christopher J. Gearon.

WTN-NEW YORK, 12 January 2008, Top Ten Opt Out, interview.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 04 January 2008, Notification law to now cover medical data; State residents must be told if records breached, Deborah Gage.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 02 January 2008, Medical industry plans to rate payment history, Jason Robertson.

TRIAL, 01 January 2008, Privacy advocates tune into concerns about ID technology, Rebecca Porter.


LOS ANGELES TIMES, 21 December 2007, FTC approves Google deal despite privacy concerns; The $3.1-billion bid to buy DoubleClick still faces scrutiny by regulators in Europe, Jim Puzzanghera, Joseph Menn.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 21 December 2007, Privacy groups told Ask.com its new AskEraser program has "significant flaws" that could compromise users' privacy.

ZDNET ASIA, 20 December 2007, Group says Ask's privacy feature is flawed, Elinor Mills.

HINDUSTAN TIMES, 17 December 2007, On Facebook? You're being stalked online, Praveen Donthi.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 10 December 2007, Start-up monitors traffic via Web providers to refine ad data, highlighting privacy struggle, Brian Bergstein.

COMPUTERWORLD, 10 December 2007, Facebook fiasco may lead to closer look at online privacy issues, Heather Havenstein, Jaikumar Vijayan, Juan Carlos Perez.

CONSUMER REPORTS, December 2007, How to opt out of marketing lists.

USA TODAY, 28 November 2007, Free credit reports sometimes aren't free; And it's not easy to figure out which score to use, Byron Acohido, Jon Swartz.

ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, 27 November 2007, Include me out: several firms make it easier to stop those unwanted e-mails, phone calls and junk mail - as long as you make the effort, Eric E. Harrison.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 21 November 2007, Identity theft targets children, Jilian Mincer.

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, 19 November 2007, Consumers support eco-friendly products, Tali Arbel.

BOSTON GLOBE, 19 November 2007, Online job hunters grapple with the misuse of personal data, Ross Kerber.

RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH, 18 November 2007, Escape telemarketers.

TULSA WORLD, 14 November 2007, Mom's gone, but the junk mail keeps on coming, Phil Mulkins.

BIOTECH WEEK, 14 November 2007, Medical identity theft: the importance of protecting your health records.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 13 November 2007, Business watercooler stories, Tali Arbel.

ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, 11 November 2007, Acxiom watches web, tailors ads to users' habits critics see bias, privacy concern, Toby Manthey.

THE NEWS & OBSERVER, 10 November 2007, Doctors' offices try to ward off medical identity theft, Vicki Lee Parker.

BUSINESS WEEK, 06 November 2007, Do Not Track could backfire, Catherine Holohan.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON DAILY, 05 November 2007, Do Not Track list has friends, foes at FTC conference.

COLUMBUS DISPATCH, 04 November 2007, Limits sought on Web snooping, Tracy Turner.

WASHINGTON POST, 01 November 2007, Do Not Track list sought for Internet, Catherine Rampell.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 01 November 2007, Web privacy advocates target online advertising, Christopher S. Rugaber.

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, 01 November 2007, Web-browsing privacy pushed "Do Not Track" list would curb advertisers, Christopher S. Rugaber.

THE PLAIN DEALER, 01 November 2007, Plain Dealing Do Not Track List urged for Web - FTC asked to extend to Internet surfers service similar to call registry, Sheryl Harris.

WARREN'S WASHINGTON DAILY, 01 November 2007, Privacy groups want "Do Not Track" list for behavioral targeting opt-out.

EWEEK, 31 October 2007, Privacy groups seek Do Not Track list; based on the FTC's Do Not Call list, consumers could opt-out of behavioral advertising regimes, Roy Mark.

NATIONAL JOURNAL TECHNOLOGY DAILY, 31 October 2007, Privacy addvocates want list to block web tracks, Andrew Noyes.

STATES NEWS SERVICE, 31 October 2007, Privacy and consumer groups recommend Do Not Track list and other policy solutions to offer consumers more control over online behavioral tracking.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 31 October 2007, Privacy groups seek Do Not Track list to limit increase in targeting ads at Internet users, Christopher S. Rugaber.

DOW JONES INTERNATIONAL, 31 October 2007, US privacy groups call for Do Not Track list for web.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 26 October 2007, Do Not Call lists don't stsop marketers from calling ... How telemarketers, through trickery, have found their way around anti-solicitation laws, Jennifer Levitz and Kelly Greene.

AMERICAN BANKER, 17 October 2007, Security watch, Daniel Wolfe.

INSIDE EDITION, 16 October 2007, Medical identity theft, interview. <http://www.insideedition.com/ourstories/reports/>

CNN, 13 October 2007, House call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Medical identity theft).

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 11 October 2007, Escalating health care costs fuel medical identity theft, Victoria E. Knight.

AMERICAN HEALTH LINE, 11 October 2007, Wall Street Journal examines medical identity thefts.

DOW JONES NEWSWIRES, 09 October 2007, Getting personal: Protecting yourself from medical identity theft, Victoria E. Knight.

DESERET MORNING NEWS, 08 October 2007, Misuse of resume data has become a big issue.

MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL STAR TRIBUNE, 07 October 2007, Beware of jobs that sound too good to be true, H.J. Cummins.

SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE, 03 October 2007, Medical data may entice thieves, Franck Gluck and Michael A. Scarcella.

BOSTON GLOBE, 01 October 2007, Online job hunters grapple with misuse of personal data: Online resumes often misused, Ross Kerber.

KIPLINGERS, 01 October 2007, Your medical history at your fingertips, Christopher J. Gearon.

STAR-TRIBUNE, 27 September 2007, For virtual jobs, click with caution

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 11 September 2007, Sleeping on the job? Security at work-applicant sites faulted; Experts say safeguards could have prevented the massive data breach at Monster.com, Joseph Menn.

PHILLYBURBS.COM, 10 September 2007, Paperwork nightmare for medical ID theft victims, Jo Ciavaglia.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 02 September 2007, Turn off spigot of information about you, Eileen Ambrose.

SEATTLE TIMES, 30 August 2007, Little can hide from eyes in the sky, Andrew Scutro.

ABC 15 PHOENIX, 27 August 2007, Opting out- 5 steps to stop telemarketers, spam, Joe Ducey.

ABC2 NEWS, 24 August 2007, Stop unwanted junk mail and calls, John Matarese.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 23 August 2007, Online job hunters become the prey; Thieves cull data from Monster.com, then aim for users' bank accounts, Joseph Menn.

KPBS, 22 August 2007, Google steet maps, Tom Fudge: interview.

TECHNEWSWORLD, 22 August 2007, Resumes: A favorite phishing hole for spammers, John P. Mello Jr.

NAVY TIMES, 20 August 2007, Satellite imagery raises security questions, Andrew Scutro.

THE NEWS TRIBUNE, 19 August 2007, A lesser notoriety: Identity thieves go medical, Dan Beekman.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 13 August 2007, Privacy advocate criticizes iPledge RiskMAP, Joesph Conn.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 12 August 2007, You needn't give up personal data to get off junk mailing lists, but good luck stopping those unwanted faxes, David Colker.

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, 09 August 2007, Google's watching streets of San Diego, Mark Sauer.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 07 August 2007, Street-level photos added to Google maps, Alex Pham and Joseph Menn.

LE TEMPS, 24 July 2007, Vie privee: Microsoft surencherit; la societe veut mieux respecter les internautes que Google.

BUSINESS WEEK, 24 July 2007, Microsoft: Privacy champion? Aaron Ricadela.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 22 July 2007, Stopping junk mail for living and dead; Opt-outs can slow the torrent of solicitations to computer and postal mailboxes and phones, David Colker.

BALTIMORE SUN, 22 July 2007, You can add to privacy controls for your data, Eileen Ambrose.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 18 July 2007, Google shortens retention of cookie tracking file, but is privacy enhanced? Anick Jesdanun.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 16 July 2007, Not worth the risk? Privacy advocates slam FDA's Web-based safety program for high-risk drugs, Joseph Conn.

TIMES-PICAYUNE, 08 July 2007, Privacy advocates ill over database; medical records seen as easy online target, J. Scott Orr.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 06 July 2007, Data breaches widespread, damage unknown, Joseph Conn.

SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL, 02 July 2007, South Floridians increasingly victimized by medical identity theft, Ian Katz.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 02 July 2007, FDA criticized for inattention to privacy standards, Joseph Conn.

SACRAMENTO BEE, 28 June 2007, Data breach at UC Davis; Eric Stern.

NATIONAL JOURNAL TECHNOLOGY DAILY, 22 June 2007, Digital moves may worsen medical identity theft, Aliya Sternstein.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 22 June 2007, Privacy advocates criticize GAO testimony, HHS, Joseph Conn.

BALTIMORE SUN, 17 June 2007, Credit bureaus sell your phone number to lenders, Eileen Ambrose.

CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, 06 June 2007, VA limits use of portable data, Stella M. Hopkins.

CRAIN'S CHICAGO BUSINESS, 14 May 2007, What's on your record? The answer's a click away; Company offers background info online for $5, Miriam Gottfried.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 13 May 2007, When free becomes fee; There's a thin line between getting a credit report gratis and being charged $12.95 a month, David Colker.

KGTV, 11 May 2007, Cell phone photos lead lead to hospital firings, Marti Emerald, interview.

NORTH COUNTY TIMES, 11 May 2007, Tri-City moves to fire 10 employees for allegedly breaking privacy rules, Paul Sisson.

KWTV, 08 May 2007, New generation of job schemes, interview.

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, 29 April 2007, Some data on the Internet can be really intimate, Keith Darc.

EMPLOYEE BENEFIT NEWS, 15 April 2007, Mistaken identitites: Medical identity theft leaves messy wake, Leah Carlson Shepherd.

NBC NIGHTLY NEWS, 03 April 2007, Medical ID theft new twist on old problem, Brian Williams, interview.

INFOWORLD, 03 April 2007, Debate lingers over federal data-handling laws, Matt Hines.

USA TODAY, 02 April 2007, Who's guarding your data in the cybervault? Choicepoint redeemed itself, but not all brokers as careful, Jon Swartz and Byron Acohido.

NETWORK WORLD, 20 March 2007, Google privacy policy may not protect your identity, advocates say; Google will alter IP addresses to make searches anonymous. Is that enough?, Jon Brodkin.

NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, 13 March 2007, Search engine privacy and data retention, Richard Raysman and Peter Brown.

SACRAMENTO BEE, 07 March 2007, Google shock for Los Rios, Eric Stern and Dorothy Korber.

THE PLAIN DEALER, 04 March 2007, No need for "number" on job application, Sheryl Harris.

KFMB-TV, 20 February 2007, Consumer alert (credit cards/financial privacy), Marcella Lee, interview.

STAR LEDGER, 20 February 2007, A new and growing threat to health, medical identity theft, Adam Levin.

TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT, 17 February 2007, Health risk: Are thieves after your medical records? Randy Griffith.

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 11 February 2007, Be careful if you post your resume online, information can make it easier to steal identity, David P. Willis.

WASHINGTON POST, 10 February 2007, Taking the bait on a phish scam; job seekers are targets, victims of a sophisticated ploy, Annys Shin.

ASBURY PARK PRESS (NJ), 22 January 2007, Scammers use Internet job boards to collect information, rip you off, David P. Willis.

NBC EVENING NEWS, 14 January 2007, Internet making it easier for doctors to keep track of medical records but privacy concerns arise from the practice, interview.

THE VIRGINIAN PILOT & THE LEDGER-STAR, 10 January 2007, A do not sell list would protect our privacy, Christina Nuckols.

BIOTECH BUSINESS WEEK, 08 January 2007, Electronic medical records, medical identity theft survey shows consumers concerned about privacy, protection of records.

BUSINESSWEEK, 07 January 2007, Diagnosis: Identity Theft, Dean Foust.

AMERICAN BANKER, 05 January 2007, Security Watch, Daniel Wolfe.

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, 01 January 2007, Medical ID Theft: Sophisticated schemes to get medical records add to the risk facing medical information holders, Geri L. Dreiling.


MANAGED CARE, 08 December 2006, Loss of protected patient information real danger for health care plans, Ed Silverman.

BASELINE MAGAZINE, 06 December 2006, Serious Pain; Providence Health & Services lost information on 365,000 patients--after 10 backup tapes and disks were stolen from the back of an employee's minivan. Now, 12 months and $7 million later, the health-care provider remains mired in the aftermath. Here's why. Deborah Gage and Kim S. Nash.

CIO INSIGHT, 06 December 2006, Serious pain, medical identity theft, Deborah Gage.

MONEY MAGAZINE, 01 December 2006, The complete layman's guide to cyber safety, Pat Regnier, Jeanne Sahadi.

KXLY4, 22 November 2006, Medical identity theft becoming a big problem, Melissa Luck.

KFMB-TV, 10 November 2006, Super shredder Friday, interview.

SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, 04 November 2006, Starbucks data missing, Craig Harris.

U-WIRE, 02 November 2006, Google's offer to take over college e-mail rouses praise, concern, Aditya Ramanathan.

READERS DIGEST, November 2006, Your medical records, stolen! How to protect yourself, (Cover Story), Max Alexander.

CAREER JOURNAL/WALL STREET JOURNAL, 17 October 2006, Who's reading online resumes? Identity Crooks, Dana Mattioli.

SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL, 16 October 2006, Fast-growing medical identity theft has lethal consequences, Katie Weeks.

UPI, 12 October 2006, Privacy mavens hammer DHS rule change.

GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE, 10 October 2006, Privacy groups rap DHS plan, Jonathan Marino.

MODERN HEALTHCARE, 09 October 2006, A real steal: Patients, providers face big liabilities as medical identity theft continues to rise, and in many cases it's an inside job, Joseph Conn.

INFORMATION TODAY, 01 October 2006, E-books, Wikis, and search top the news, Paula Hane.

AFX ASIA, 26 September 2006, 3 AOL subscribers sue over data release.

NEW YORK TIMES, 04 September 2006, Victims fight to clear their names after others' deeds, Tom Zeller Jr.

AARP BULLETIN, September 2006, Scam Alert: Stealing your health, Sid Kirchheimer.

COMPUTERS & SECURITY, September 2006, (Volume 25, Issue 6), Security views- Malware update.

NETWORK WORLD, 28 August 2006, Privacy discussion overdue, Johna Till Johnson.

VOICE OF AMERICA, 24 August 2006, You've got trouble: America Online's big mistake with search data, special economics english report.

BUSINESS WEEK ONLINE, 23 August 2006, Fallout from AOL's flub, Catherine Holahan.

WALL STREET JOURNAL /WSJ EUROPE, ASIA, 23 August 2006, AOL's technology chief steps down, Matthew Karnitschnig.

NEW YORK TIMES, 22 August 2006, Privacy issue shakes AOL, Tom Zeller Jr.

BLOOMBERG NEWS, 22 August 2006, Chief tech officer, two others leave AOL after security "screw up," Cecile Daurat and Jonathan Thaw.

E-COMMERCE TIMES, 22 August 2006, Firings, CTO departure roil AOL in wake of search data release, Keith Regan.

SILICON.COM, 22 August 2006, Heads roll at AOL after search data blunder, Elinor Mills.

CNBC, Closing Bell, 22 August 2006, Grading corporate America, interview.

USA TODAY, 22 August 2006, AOL's tech chief quits after breach of privacy, company team formed to re-evaluate security policy, Michelle Kessler and Kevin Maney.

STAR-LEDGER (NEW JERSEY), 20 August 2006, Be careful what you search for - Web queries can come back to haunt Internet users, Kevin Coughlin.

SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, 17 August 2006, Privacy group says AOL made public other queries.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 16 August 2006, Privacy rights group files FTC complaint against AOL.

E-COMMERCE TIMES, 16 August 2006, EFF, World Privacy Forum, ask FTC toinvestigate AOL, Erika Morphy.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 14 August 2006, AOL's release of search requests trigger demand for government inquiry, Michael Liedtke.

CNBC, Closing Bell, 14 August 2006, Radio Frequency ID tags in passports, interview.

DOW JONES NEWS SERVICE, 14 August 2006, AOL's release of search data triggers demand for FTC probe.

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 13 August 2006, Web queries offer clues to personal data, Phillip O'Conner.

EWEEK, 10 August 2006, AOL miscue, Matt Hines.

WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT, 31 July 2006, Wellpoint set to put medical records online, Jeremy Smerd.

WALL STREET JOURNAL SUNDAY, 30 July 2006, Health costs: Avoid Medical identity theft, Tara Siegel Bernard.

BALTIMORE SUN, 25 July 2006, Many databases track you, Eileen Ambrose column.

CONSUMER REPORTS, July 2006, New resource to aid victims of medical identity theft. <http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/personal-finance/news/july-2006/new-resource-to-aid-victims-of-medical-identity-theft-7-06/overview/0608_medical_id-theft.htm>

NPR CAPITAL PUBLIC RADIO (Insight), 20 July 2006, Covering your digital tracks, Jeffrey Callison.

WCBS TV (New York), 14 July 2006, Medical ID Theft Assaults More Than Your Wallet, Kirstin Cole.

CBS 4 (Boston), 06 July 2006, Protecting yourself from medical identity theft, Sarah Underwood.

NBC SAN DIEGO, 05 July 2006, Medical ID Theft Leaves Victim Hurting, Peggy Pico.

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 30 June 2006, Phone record privacy tip backfires Woman changed name on her account and got a whole new set of junk mail solicitations, Michael D. Sorkin.

SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS, 29 June 2006, I-Team: Thousands fall victim to medical ID theft each year.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 25 June 2006, The Last Days of Privacy: As technology makes life richer and easier, we leave a trail of information that is susceptible to prying eyes, Jonathan Curiel.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 24 June 2006, The Nation; Officials Defend Bank Data Tracking; Amid privacy concerns, the Bush administration portrays the Treasury Department's secret program as crucial to the war on terrorism, Greg Miller and Josh Meyer.

THE WASHINGTON POST, 23 June 2006, Concerns Raised Over AT&T Privacy Policy, Sara Kehaulani Goo.

SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS, 22 June 2006, AT&T Changes its policy on privacy, raises questions, Sanford Nowlin.

USA TODAY, 22 June 2006, AT&T: New privacy policy not 'knee-jerk'; Update coincides with lawsuit; giant says it's merger related, Elliot Blair Smith.

AFX ASIA22 June 2006, AT&T says it owns customer data.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 22 June 2006, AT&T to own customer data, track some Internet use, David Koenig.

KNIGHT-RIDDER TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE, 22 June 2006, AT&T changes its policy on privacy, raises questions, Sanford Nowlin.

THE DENVER POST, 21 June 2006, Book: First Data gave feds records, Andy Vuong.

BUFFALO NEWS, 03 June 2006, Can tests really help you choose a career? Joyce Lain Kennedy.

FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM, 03 June 2006, Medical identity theft on the rise, Maria M. Perotin.

FEDERAL TIMES, 31 May 2006, Agencies' biggest IT security threat: employees, Tim Kauffman.

THE LEDGER (Florida), 30 May 2006, Katrina sparks next debate: Digital records vs. privacy, Cory Reiss.

KPBS (San Diego) , 18 May 2006, These days: Medical identity theft, NSA phone records. Interview.

BALTIMORE SUN, 15 May 2006, Watch out for medical identity theft, Eileen Ambrose.

PRESS DEMOCRAT, 12 May 2006, Who's Watching You? Clark Mason.

CBS NEWS THE EARLY SHOW, 10 May 2006, Profile: Too Much Information; FTC issues warning about posting too much information on the Internet. Interview.

NATIONAL JOURNAL TECHNOLOGY DAILY, 09 May 2006, Medical identity theft is a growing problem.

SECURITY FOCUS, 04 May 2006, More protections urged for medical records, Robert Lemos.

ABC NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA, 03 May 2006, Beware: New medical scam. Medical ID theft can have both financial and physical ramification. Interview.

BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT, 14 April 2006, Online marketing becomes targeted to small groups, Ben Frumin.

WINSTON SALEM JOURNAL, 23 March 2006, SAM the Straight Answer Ma'am (Job search privacy).

CHICAGO DAILY HERALD, 21 March 2006, Pay By Touch scan system now in all 270 Jewel stores, Mike Comerford.

CBS 2 (New York), 13 March 2006, Social networking sites. Interview.

THE SACRAMENTO BEE, 23 February 2006, Stolen laptop contains files on HIV patients, Todd Milbourn.

NPR: All Things Considered, 10 February 2006, Yahoo and AOL Offering Filter-proof E-mail. Interview.

ABC NEWS WORLD NEWS TONIGHT, 09 February 2006, Stealing You: Identity Theft. Interview.

MONEY, 01 February 2006, Talkin' 'bout MySpace Generation Kids' online profiles can hurt job prospects decades down the road, Scott Medintz.

HEALTH MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY, February 2006, RHIO Nation, Robin Blair.

KNIGHT-RIDDER TRIBUNE, 26 January 2006, Eye in the Sky: Web sites allow you to see your home from space, Patrick Giblin.

UNIVERSITY WIRE, 24 January 2006, Ogling google, staff editorial, Cornell Daily Sun.

THE AUSTRALIAN, 24 January 2006, Muddled picture of online satellite images.

WASHINGTON POST, 22 January 2006, Guarding your Privacy, Sign here to give away your signature, Don Oldenburg.

LA STAMPA, 21 January 2006, Come difendersi dalle intrusioni.

THE GUARDIAN, 21 January 2006, Google defies White House over disclosing users' searches, David Teather.

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, 20 January 2006, Google, gov't in search spat, Daniel Dunaief and Elizabeth Lazarowitz.

AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 20 January 2006, Google refuse de livrer les recherches de ses utilisateurs a l'administration Bush.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 20 January 2006, Google clashes with Feds in battle over online search requests, Michael Liedtke.

CANADIAN PRESS, 16 January 2006, Prep-Cyber-Corner.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 15 January 2006, Firms search picture-perfect results: Online mapping service growing. But privacy issues remain a concern for Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Allison Linn.

NEW YORK TIMES, 15 January 2006, More Jobs Being Found Online, But That Doesn't Mean It's Easy, Barbara Whitaker.

THE GOLD COAST BULLETIN (Australia), 14 January 2006, The Price of Progress: One-digit pay system at our fingertips, Tony Wilson.


DOW JONES NEWSWIRE, 20 December 2005, In the Pipeline: Pediatric Doctors Seek To Connect, Donna Fuscaldo.

THE SEATTLE TIMES, 18 December 2005, Credit reports should be easier now, Jolayne Houtz.

NEWSDAY, 12 December 2005, Scams put risk in job hunts / Phony employers eager to shake cash out of applicants, Patricia Kitchen.

WISSEN (Germany), 06 December 2005, Wer hat Angst vor Larry und Sergey?

USA TODAY, 02 December 2005, Will that be cash, credit -- or fingertip? ; Buying stuff's as fast, easy as a quick touch or a little wave, Kathy Chu.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 29 November 2005, `Cyber Monday' Sales Strong, Web Sites Say, Pui-Wing Tam and Mylene Mangalindan.

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 11 November 2005, Paying grocery bill is now right at your fingertip: New print scanner charges shopper's bank account automatically, Janet Rausa Fuller.

BBC NEWS ONLINE, 11 November 2005, Google talks up print and privacy, Alistair Coleman.

KIPLINGER'S PERSONAL FINANCE MAGAZINE, 01 November 2005, Credit Report Crackdown, Joan Goldwasser.

BALTIMORE SUN, 24 October 2005, Some Companies try to Push Workers Toward Adopting Healthier Lifestyles, Eileen Ambrose.

SECURITY FOCUS, 08 October 2005, Fingerprint Payments Taking Off Despite Security Concerns, Robert Lemos.

WIRED, 03 October 2005, "UnGoogleables" Hide From Search, Ann Harrison.

CBS NEWS SUNDAY MORNING, 02 October 2005, Privacy, interview.

NEWSDAY, 01 October 2005, Privacy's Weak Links: Institutions and businesses struggle to keep our personal data secret, Henry Gilgoff.

DESERET MORNING NEWS, 18 September 2005, Free credit report worth getting.

KIPLINGER'S, 18 September 2005, Free Credit Report Worth Getting,

EWEEK, 15 September 2005, Court Orders Brazen Data Thieves to Stop, Matt Hines.

USA TODAY, 05 September 2005, Beware of scams, impostors when seeking a credit report, Sandra Block.

FORTUNE, 05 September 2005, Job offer or identity-theft scam? Anne Fisher.

SUNDAY TIMES (LONDON)04 September 2005, Google Chief in Privacy Rumpus, Dominic Rushe.

CHARLESTON GAZETTE, 02 September 2005, Credit Free reports now available for state residents, Jim Balow. KIPLINGERS, 01 September 2005, Report Card On Credit Reports, Joan Goldwasser.

THE WASHINGTON POST, 01 September 2005, Order Free Credit Reports Then Cross Your Fingers, Caroline E. Mayer.

REUTERS, 28 August 2005, ID Theft Creates Opportunities for Data Companies, Alexandria Sage.

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, 28 August 2005, Understanding credit reports requires homework, patience, Patricia Sabatini.

THE WASHINGTON POST, 25 August 2005, Little Assurance From ID-Theft Insurance, Leslie Walker.

USA TODAY, 23 August 2005, Don't get suckered by impostor offers of free credit report, Sandra Block.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 23 August 2005, Firms Hit by ID Theft Find Way to Cash In on Victims, Joseph Menn.

THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS, 22 August 2005, FTC goes after credit report sites.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 17 August 2005, FTC Cracks Down on Online Credit Report Services.

THE OREGONIAN, 17 August 2005, FTC Goes After Misleading Credit Report Web Sites, Jeff Kosseff.

THE BALTIMORE SUN, 17 August 2005, 1 million could get refund in FTC case; Experian subsidiary settles case over so-called `free' credit reports; Eileen Ambrose.

CMP TECH WEB, 17 August 2005, FTC Nails Credit Report Firm For $950,000.

STATES NEWS SERVICE, 16 August 2005, Marketer of "Free Credit reports" Settles FTC Charges.

BALTIMORE SUN, 14 August 2005, Federal law provides access to free credit reports, Eileen Ambrose.

NPR, 12 August 2005, Googled! Will the Internet come back to haunt you? Interview with Warren Olney of "To The Point," KCRW.

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 11 August 2005, Fingerprint system gets toehold in the region, Tavia Evans.

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, 07 August 2005, Be careful when you opt for those free credit reports, Lynn O'Shaughnessy.

FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK, 01 August 2005, FIPS 201 requires new scrutiny of contractors, Florence Olsen.

READER'S DIGEST, August 2005, They Know Who You Are, Ed Shanahan.

TIMES PICAYUNE, 31 July 2005, Free credit reports not always free, Iris Webb.

THE GLOBE AND MAIL, 26 July 2005, Bill Gates will be frisking you with a simple point and click, Simon Avery.

EWEEK, 21 July 2005, Congress nears final identity theft legislation, Lisa Vaas.

CNN MONEY, 20 July 2005, Cash or plastic? How about fingerprint? Grace Wong.

SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL, 20 July 2005, Identity thieves take advantage of misspelling, Ian Katz.

INFORMATION WEEK FINANCE TECH, 19 July 2005, Bill puts spotlight back on data theft, Gregg Keizer.

THE OREGONIAN, 15 July 2005, Imposter sites take advantage of free credit reporting, Jeffrey Kosseff.

SECURITY FOCUS, 15 July 2005, Report: Squatters a major problem for credit-report site, Robert Lemos.

FOX NEWS LIVE, 14 July 2005, Online resumes, interview.

CNET, 14 July 2005, Imposter sites plague free credit report site, Alorie Gilbert.

KFMB-TV, 08 July 2005, Public records sites pose privacy risk, interview.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 04 July 2005, Online Resumes Turn Risky, Carrie Kirby.

KFMB-TV, 13 June 2005, Credit report scams spreading online, interview.

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, 11 June 2005, Identity thieves target those seeking free credit report.

USA TODAY, 07 June 2005, Tapes with data on 3.9M missing, Jon Swartz.

BLACK ENTERPRISE, 01 June 2005, Health Plan Query Hurting or Helpfing Us? Keith Reed.

MSN MONEY, 01 June 2005, Free credit reports spread to the South, Christopher Solomon.

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER,  30 May 2005, Don't pay for your free credit report, Andrew Shain.

FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM, 20 May 2005,Texans get access to credit reports, but beware impostors.

ASBURY PARK PRESS, 16 May 2005, Online job hunters snared by fraud, Jim Hannah Gannett News Service.

MSNBC, 10 May, 2005, Many free credit reports still aren't free, Bob Sullivan.

ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, 25 April 2005, AOL gets tougher on 'phishing' e-mails.

TECHWEB, 22 April 2005, Google Personal-Search Tracker Raises Privacy Concerns, Antone Gonsalves.

SECURITY FOCUS, 21 April 2005, Privacy watchdog warns job seekers to beware Would-be workers need to be more cautious with resume services and posting their personal information online. Online fraudsters and scammers are waiting, Robert Lemos.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 20 April 2005, Google enables users to view personal search histories, MICHAEL LIEDTKE.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 03 April 2005, Credit reports free, but confusing to some, advocates say.

THE WASHINGTON POST, 27 March 2005, Employers Relying On Personality Tests To Screen Applicants, Ariana Eunjung Cha.

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 07 March 2005, "Free credit reports can be a hassle to acquire ; Web sites with similar names can lead to confusion," Stephanie Zimmerman.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 06 March 2005, "Free Credit Report Could Cost You; Consumers encounter sales pitches and hassles trying to get the data they are entitled to,"  Kathy M. Kristof, Times Staff Writer.

THE KANSAS CITY STAR, 02 March 2005, Credit-report seekers create Internet gridlock, Paul Wenske.

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 01 March 2005, Pg. A01, 1087 words, A tangled Web, MICHAEL D. SORKIN.

NATIONAL JOURNAL (Technology Daily PM), 01 March 2005, Plan For Federal Identification Badges Gets Mixed Reviews, Randy Barrett.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY01 March 2005, Vol.6, No.40, 133 words "Privacy."

UPI,  28 February 2005,  FTC urged to allow consumer links on site.

ABC NEWS, 16 February 2005, ChoicePoint Fraud Illustrates Identity Theft: Is there any way to truly protect yourself from ID theft? Eric Noe, Paul Eng.

USA TODAY, 31 January 2005, Oops! Amazon's new online Yellow Pages pictures Rockefeller Ice Skating Rink as a bus, Jefferson Graham.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 25 January 2005, Keeping Your Job Hunt Secret is Harder Now, But Here's How to Do It, Erin White.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 24 January 2005, A Driver's License As a National ID? Susan Llewelyn Leach.

FEDERAL TIMES, 24 January 2005, Controversial new ID badge: Privacy concerns worry employees, Tim Kauffman.

FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK, 24 January 2005, Critics wary about biometric smart cards Opponents worry about job loss and invasions of privacy, Florence Olsen.

WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT, 01 January 2005, Eliyon Steps up the Search, Patrick Kiger.


MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO: MARKETPLACE MORNING REPORT, 15 December 2004, Group of businesses team up with law enforcement to stop phishing scam.

THE CONNECTICUT LAW TRIBUNE, 8 November 2004, Little Chip Evokes Big Brother; Retailers' use of high-tech tracking devices prompts privacy fears, Tresa Baldas.

HUMANIST, 1 November 2004, Technology and Tomorrow: A Challenge to Liberty, Brian Trent.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 21 October 2004, Wired, but everyone on hold, Gregory M. Lamb.

USA TODAY, 15 October 2004, Google wins race to bring searches to hard drives; Free, speedy program will scour your computer, Jefferson Graham.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 15 October 2004, Google Launches PC Hard-Drive Search Tool, Michael Liedtke.

SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, 15 October 2004, Google tops Microsoft with new PC search tool; provides 'photographic memory', Todd Bishop.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 12 October 2004, 923 words, The Jungle (column), Erin White.

CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, 06 October 2004, Groups urge veto of spyware bill.

RED HERRING, 17 September 2004, Should spyware be a Crime? Capitol Section.

eWEEK, 16 September 2004, Amazon.com's Search Launch Triggers Second Thoughts, Matt Hicks.

INTERNETNEWS.COM, 16 September 2004, California Spyware Bill: 'Worse Than Nothing', Susan Kuchinskas.

ABC NEWS, 07 September 2004, Mining Your Past: Background Checks Have Become an Integral Part of the Hiring Process, Eric Noe.

FORBES, 16 August 2004, 1265 words, Google Me Not; How to keep your secrets off the web, David Whelan.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 04 August 2004, 963 words. Law enforcement in Mexico goes a bit bionic, Monica Campbell.

SECURITY DIRECTOR'S REPORT, 01 August 2004, 1389 Words, How to Keep Your Company Ahead of These New Risks.

HR FOCUS, 01 August 2004, 747 Words, How To Do Background Checks Properly.

THE NEWS-GAZETTE, 26 July 2004, 753 words, Internet job search poses risk for fraud, Illinois official warns, Christine des Garennes.

MSNBC, 19 July 2004, Online job seeker says she was duped into scam, Bob Sullivan.

EFE NEWS (South America), 19 July 2004, Fraude convierte en víctimas a buscadores de trabajo en Internet, Olivia P. Tallet.

NATIONAL JOURNAL TECHNOLOGY DAILY, 08 July 2004, Job fraud is becoming pervasive on the Internet, according to the World Privacy Forum, PM edition.

PC WORLD, 01 July 2004, 500 Words, Gmail Google's e-mail winner: privacy concerns aside, it works (Web-based E-mail), Steve Bass.

STRAITS TIMES, 20 June 2004, 602 Words, E-MAIL space war, Jessica Lim, English.

THE NEW YORK TIMES, 13 May 2004, 1799 Words, Google Mail: Virtue Lies In the In-Box, David Pogue.

NPR, 05 May 2004, 952 Words, Former AOL employee uses company's database to access the accounts of celebrites, forms relationships with them, and sells the story of her life to Hollywood.

DOW JONES NEWS SERVICE, 04 May 2004, 666 Words, Privacy Groups Urge Calif AG To Probe Google's Gmail Svc, Riva Richmond.

THE STAR-LEDGER, 29 April 2004, 914 Words, Google stock offering spurs mega-plans - Would-be investors see big returns but 'Gmail' upsets privacy, KEVIN COUGHLIN.

USA TODAY, 15 April 2004, 1296 Words, Targeted ads tied to Gmail's super space ; Observers raise privacy issues MONEY Personal technology, Edward C. Baig.

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 14 April 2004, 570 Words, Free Google e-mail raises privacy fears: Silicon Valley heroes face legal action for tracking users' messages and using key words to trigger unsolicited advertising shots, Simon English in New York.

NEW YORK POST, 03 April 2004, 348 Words, Google Users Feeling Yucky, STEPHEN LYNCH.

THE REGISTER UK, 03 April 2004, Google Mail is Evil -- Privacy Advocates, Andrew Orlowski.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, 02 April, 2004, 646 words, Google's E-Mail Strategy Criticized;New Gmail Service scans messages and attaches targeted ads to them, raising privacy fears, Chris Gaither.

CNET NEWS.COM, 02 April 2004, 1855 Words, Google's Web mail no joke; Gmail, based on massive storage and search, represents a radical new approach to free e-mail, but the service raises privacy concerns, Stefanie Olsen.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 29 March 2004, 936 Words,Kits for employee background checks sold at Sam's Club, ADAM GELLER.

THE OREGONIAN, 27 March 2004, 994 Words, Privacy Measure Advocates Want Financial Institutions to Clarify Small Print, Jeff Kosseff.

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, 08 March 2004, 1101 words, Job Search 2.OH!, Jill Rachlin Marbaix.

U.S. NEWSWIRE, 19 February 2004, 915 words, 60 Public Interest Groups Call on Corporate Donors to Withdraw Nov. '04 Initiative to Gut Unfair Business Competition Law.

THE NATION, 16 February, 2004,The Trouble with RFID, Simson L. Garfinkel.

CNN, 25 January, 2004, CNN Sunday Morning 07:00, Sunday, Transcript # 012508CN.V46, News; Domestic, 454 words, A Look at Online Job Search Site, Adaora Udoji, Jason Carroll.

MARKETPLACE MORNING REPORT, 13 January 2004, Marketplace Morning Report (6:50 AM ET) , Tuesday, Fraudulent job ads online pose problems for job seekers, KAI RYSSDAL, ASHLEY MILNE-TYTE.

MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL, 11 January 2004, Pg. 18P, 825 words, JOYCE LAIN KENNEDY, Tribune Media Services.

THE GAZETTE (Montreal, Quebec), 03 January 2004 Saturday Final Edition, Montreal Works; Pg. B6, 563 words, Watch out for bogus online ads: Job-seekers could be put at risk.

INFORMATION MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 01 January 2004, 325 words, Wanted: Online Privacy Police, Swartz, Nikki.


GUIDA NORMATIVA 30 December 2003, INTERPRETAZIONE; Pg. 34, 356 words, Annunci di lavoro on line e segnalazioni all'Inail: gli ultimi chiarimenti del Garante della privacy, a cura di, Roberto Giuliante.

THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE (Georgia), 21 December 2003, Sunday, Pg. F01, 422 words, JOB SEEKERS' DATA AT RISK .

DOW JONES NEWS SERVICE, 10:54, 12 December 2003, 445 words, Job Seekers Become Target Of New ID-Theft Scam, By Kaja Whitehouse.

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, 08 December 2003, 678 words, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Worklife Column, By Amber Veverka.

CHARLESTON GAZETTE (West Virginia), 28 November 2003, Friday, News; Pg. P1D, 825 words, Employment seekers' personal data at risk, Andrea Coombes, CBSMarketWatch.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE, 25 November 2003, 916 words, Online Job Seeker Should be Wary of Scams --- Advisers Say Pay No Fees, Closely Scrutinize Concerns, And Overall Guard Privacy, Kris Maher.

TIME MAGAZINE, 24 November 2003, COVER STORY/BUSINESS; Pg. 57, The New Rules of Web Hiring, Barbara Kiviat.

NEWSDAY (New York), 23 November 2003, Sunday, ALL EDITIONS, Pg. F09, 66 words, Who's Reading Your Resume?

MARKETPLACE, Marketplace (6:30 PM ET) - SYND, 20 November 2003, Thursday, 813 words, More businesses turning to high-tech time management systems to track employee efficiency, DAVID BROWN, ANDREA DUKAKIS.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Career Journal: The Jungle, 18 November 2003, 897 words, By Kris Maher.

COMPUTERWORLD, 17 November 2003, Users of Online Job Services Risk Lack of Privacy Protection ; Yearlong study reveals sales of personal information, profiling of job seekers, Jaikumar Vijayan.

ST. PETERSBURG TIMES (Florida), 17 November 2003, Monday BUSINESS; Pg. 4D, 660 words, Job Web sites may not honor privacy.

THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 16 November 2003, 582 words, Job seekers' privacy is eroding online / Report claims safeguards flimsy.

HAMILTON SPECTATOR (Ontario, Canada), 15 November 2003, Saturday Final Edition, CAREERS; Pg. E01, 358 words, Hunting for a job online means details of your life are everywhere.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 13 November 2003, Vol.4, No.219, 423 words, Privacy Mavens Seek Action, Disclosure on Job, Scholarship Sites.

UNIVERSITY WIRE, 13 November 2003, Thursday, Study claims online job search sites may violate privacy laws, By Ashley Dinges, Michigan Daily.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 13 November 2003, Vol.4, No.219, 423 words, Privacy Mavens Seek Action, Disclosure on Job, Scholarship Sites.

CNN Headline News, 12 November 2003, Wednesday, 07:00-07:30 ET, CNN Headline News, Cable, National Cable, 30 words.

SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS 12 November 2003, Wednesday, SJ-INTERNET-PRIVACY, 824 words, Report Warns Job Seekers to Guard Privacy when Searching on Internet, By Michael Bazeley.

THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER , 12 November 2003, 554 words, Job-sites report raises privacy issue.Group says too much data is given to third parties, which leads to extensive profiling, LISA MUOZ.

NEWSDAY (New York), 12 November 2003, Wednesday, ALL EDITIONS, Pg. A45, 393 words, Online Job Sites Have Privacy Holes, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 12 November 2003, 592 words, Privacy Isn't Part of Online Job Hunt, By Ryan J. Foley.

THE OREGONIAN 12 November 2003, Wednesday, 759 words, Online Job Seekers Are at Risk for Identity Theft, Study Shows, By Jeffrey Kosseff.

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER12 November, 2003, Wednesday, PH-ID-THEFT, 661 words, Job Searches Are Goldmines for Identity Thieves, By Jane M. Von Bergen.

eWEEK.COM, 11 November 2003, Tuesday, 653 words, Holes Found in Online Job Search Privacy; Some career Web sites, recruitment services and automated job-application kiosks offer flimsy privacy protections and might even violate employment and credit laws, a report released Tuesday asserts.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 11 November 2003, 630 words, Report finds privacy holes in digital job searches, By BRIAN BERGSTEIN.

WALL STREET JOURNAL, 26 August 2003, "Office and Ethics Collide More Often Than Ever," Kris Maher.

CNN, WOLF BLITZER REPORTS 12:00, 05 August 2003, Transcript # 080506CN.V95, News; Domestic, 1416 words, Jobs Wanted, Nick Corcodilos, Pam Dixon, Wolf Blitzer.

CONSUMER REPORTS, July 2003, CR MONEY; Vol. 68, No. 7; Pg. 53,631 words, Steer clear of online job scams.

THE BOSTON GLOBE, 25 May 2003, Sunday, ,THIRD EDITION, Pg. H1, 1241 words, Specialists Urge Caution on Career Websites, By John P. Mello Jr., Globe Correspondent.

CNN, NEXT@CNN, 17 May 2003 Saturday, resume poaching / identity theft issue on online job sites, and its impact.

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, 02 April 2003, 1426 words, "Combination of Posting Resumes Online, Networking Best Ways to Find a Job," By Amber Veverka.

THE NEW YORK TIMES, 20 March 2003, Thursday, Late Edition - Final, Section G;  Page 6;  Column 3;  Circuits. Privacy; Is the Employer Real? Guarding Your Personal Information, By BILL WERDE.

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, 17 March 2003 Monday, Pg.D-1, 1179 words, Privacy on the line; Personal Information Postd with Online Job Sites May be Reaching Far More People Than You Want, Adam Geller, The Associated Press, New York.

CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT,  14 March 2003, Vol. 6, No. 17, 133 words, Monster issues ID fraud warning .

ASSOCIATED PRESS, 21:00, 14 March 2003, 1193 words, Posting resumes on the Internet pose risk to job seekers' privacy By ADAM GELLER.

THE GUARDIAN (London), 10 March 2003, Guardian Office Hours Pages,Pg. 3, Office Hours: WPM, Rosie Chouff.

FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM10 March 2003, Monday, FT-ONLINE-RESUMES, 713 words, Job Seekers Should Be Cautious When Posting Resumes Online, By Maria M. Perotin.

WASHINGTON INTERNET DAILY, 7 March 2003, Vol.4, No.45, Protection of Job-Seekers' Data Gains Higher Profile.

THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE02 March 2003, Sunday, 2 STAR EDITION, BUSINESS;, Pg. 2, 786 words, Resume rustlers threaten job sites ; Few safeguards protect privacy, business viability, Kris Maher.

THE RECORD (Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario), 01 March 2003 Saturday Final Edition, FRONT; Pg. A13, 240 words, Online job seekers risk theft of personal information, NEW YORK.

REUTERS NEWS, 17:44, 28 February 2003, 587 words, Online job site warns users of identity theft. By Elinor Mills Abreu.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS State & Local Wire, 27 February 2003, Thursday, BC cycle, Business News, 594 words, Monster.com warns job seekers about dangers of false postings, By ADAM GELLER, AP Business Writer, NEW YORK.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, 25 February 2003, 984 words,Career Journal: Resume Rustling Is Threatening Online Job Sites, Kris Maher.

PALM BEACH POST, 23 February 2003, "Posting Resumes Online May lead to Privacy Pitfalls, ID Theft."

AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN, 20 February 2003, Thursday, Business; Pg. C1, 464 words, Resumes on the Web not secure, group says, Bob Keefe.

THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE , 20 February 2003, Thursday, BUSINESS;Pg. C-1, 724 words, Online resumes copied, sold without consent, Bruce V. Bigelow; STAFF WRITER.

ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER, 20 February 2003, 389 words, Biotech Job-Search Web Site Sues Rival for Fraud, Copyright Infringement, By Lisa Munoz.

THE ATLANTA JOURNAL AND CONSTITUTION, 20 February 2003, Business; Pg. 5D. "Privacy a larger issue with online resumes," Bob Keefe.