
Public Comments: WPF files comments on proposed national identity standard, recommends changes

The World Privacy Forum filed technical comments on the IDPV National Standard Project today, offering key privacy recommendations on the proposed standard, Requirements and Implementation Guidelines for Assertion, Resolution, Evidence, and Verification of Personal Identity, version 5.3.1. WPF analyzed the proposed standard carefully, and sees the need for several changes to the standard to improve consumer privacy. In our comments, the intent is to help create a standard that increases security, trustworthiness of identities, and identity credentials while protecting individual privacy.

World Privacy Forum celebrates International Privacy Day

International Privacy Day — The World Privacy Forum celebrated International Privacy Day by joining other privacy and civil liberties organizations in encouraging the U.S. Senate to adopt the Council of Europe Privacy Convention. The U.S. has already ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime. International Privacy Day was founded three years ago by the Council of Europe, and is celebrated by privacy, civil liberties, and consumer groups in Europe, North America and elsewhere.

World Privacy Forum outlines 8 best practice responses to medical identity theft for the healthcare sector

Medical identity theft | Best practice responses — The World Privacy Forum has outlined 8 best practice responses to medical identity theft for the health care sector. The best practice responses are based on research the Forum is conducting for its second report on medical identity theft, and is a work in progress. The 8 best practice responses were presented to AHIMA delegates October 9; the Forum is soliciting and accepting feedback on the 8 best practices.

Update: saying data breach may impact all users of, official Federal job site impacted

Consumer alert update — posted a warning on its site stating that all users of may have been impacted by the data breach of its systems by hackers. All job seekers need to be aware of potential phishing attacks that are sophisticated and highly targeted, and job seekers with safety considerations need to be aware that their information has likely been compromised. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has announced that the Federal job site USAJobs (which is outsourced to has also been impacted by the breach. The World Privacy Forum has updated its job seeking tips, and its consumer alert.