
WPF Discussion Forum

The WPF Discussion Forum is a place where experts can articulate viewpoints on key privacy issues through analysis and writings about a variety of topics, all intersecting with privacy in some way. Privacy is a complex area of policy and thought, with many intricate layers and working parts. The goal is to shed light on this complexity through thoughtful commentary from a multiplicity of viewpoints. Authors of works hosted in this forum retain their own copyrights.


Robert Gellman: Consent for Disclosures of Health Records: Lessons from the Past, April 17 2007.

Author's Summary: A 1998 Maine health privacy law that required written consent for many health disclosures was so unpopular and impractical that the legislature suspended the law shortly after it took effect. Many of the law’s requirements for written consent were later replaced with expanded authority for nonconsensual disclosures.

Full text of article (PDF): http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/pdf/MaineHealthPrivacy1998_Gellman.pdf

Author web site: http://www.bobgellman.com/

Author bio: http://www.bobgellman.com/rg-files/rg-bio.html