National IDs Over Time: Interactive chart

About this Data Visualization: This interactive chart displays the chronological implementation of National IDs in countries globally, from 1850 to 2017. The raw dataset used to create the chart originates from the World Bank (See data sourcing below). This dataset covers high, middle and lower income countries.

How to use this map: This is an interactive chart. The chart should be read from left to right. As you hover over the chart you will see pop ups with more information. To the far left, the start year is 1850, to the far right, the chart ends with 2017. Each bar in the chart represents a country that implemented a national ID and the year.

  • Hovering over the chart, as you move from left to right you will see the country name, the year the national ID was established, and the name of the region.
  • The color of the bar indicates the region, for example, blue bars indicate IDs in Europe, red bars indicate IDs in Asia, and so on.
  • Below the National IDs over Time chart, you will find a chronological text list of country name, the name of the ID, and the year the ID was established.

Data visualization by: John Emerson of Backspace, for World Privacy Forum.

Data source: World Bank ID4Development Data Set, 2017. Available at: No amendments or alterations to the data or metadata were made. The 2017 World Bank Data Set is an extremely robust dataset, of which the National IDs and electronic IDs are a subset.

More info about country income levels: A complete country list by income level is available as datasets. Middle and low income countries are available here: A complete list of high-income countries is available here:

Copyright: ©WPF under Creative Commons license 4.0 non-commercial International. This means that this information may be reproduced, with credit to World Privacy Forum, and the source URL included. Please contact us in advance of any use.