WPF executive director Pam Dixon to present lecture at National Academy of Sciences on the future of data science and privacy
Executive Director Pam Dixon to present a featured lecture at National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine at its Colloquium: The Future of Data Science
Pam Dixon’s lecture will be Wednesday October 28 from 12:00-12:45 am Eastern. The lecture focuses on forthcoming and converging trends, and is titled Looking Ten Years Ahead: Key Converging Technologies in Computing, Data, and Analysis and the Implications for Governance, Standards, and Norms in Knowledge and Privacy.
Registration is free, details below.
Additional Colloquium Information:
Join the National Academies for a virtual colloquium on the future of data science and the implications for privacy and national security.
About this Event
On October 28, 2020 the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will conduct a colloquium to discuss the future evolution of data science. What will the future in five to ten years look like as current trends continue in acquiring big data, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and bigger/faster computers?
Featured Talks:
- Challenges in Data Science for National Security, Jason Matheny, Georgetown University
- Looking Ten Years Ahead: Key Converging Technologies in Computing, Data, and Analysis and the Implications for Governance, Standards, and Norms in Knowledge and Privacy, Pam Dixon, World Privacy Forum
- Data Science in 2030?, Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
- Cross-Border Data Flows – U.S., EU, and China, DeBrae Kennedy-Mayo, Georgia Institute of Technology
- The Future of Data Science: Getting to Causality, and a Curious Blend of AI and Determinism, Matt Mickelson, The MITRE Corporation
The speaker presentations will be followed by a panel session to entertain questions from viewers.
Zoom Link: https://nas-sec.zoomgov.com/j/1611053324?pwd=cEVqUkg3Z2poT0RxeUswOTBuZmRLdz09
For additional information, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-future-of-data-science-registration-119511862197