WPF Executive Director to teach CMU course on Digital Identity in Rwanda, Africa

WPF’s Pam Dixon will be in Kigali, Rwanda to be the lead instructor on a course on digital identity ecosystems as a lecturer for Carnegie Mellon University, as part of their CEE-TP Courses for IT and policy in the developing world. This course, Identity Ecosystems and Digital Transformation: the key technical, legal, and policy considerations for policymakers in a rapidly changing landscape, will take place in March 2024. This course follows on Dixon’s AI Policy for Development course in Bangkok, Thailand in 2023.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to teach a course on ID ecosystems and policy – this is an issue of central importance in the world today,” said Dixon. “I am especially looking forward to working with the esteemed  Josephine Mukesha, Director General of Rwanda’s National Identification Agency, who has graciously agreed to teach part of this course with me. Director Mukesha’s expertise and leadership is invaluable, and will benefit the students tremendously.”

The course will run beginning in March, 2024, and will include students from Africa, Asia, and other parts of the developing world.

More information about CMU CEE-TP is available here. 

Dixon has conducted substantive peer-reviewed research and policy work on identity ecosystems. See:

A Failure to Do No Harm: India’s Aadhaar biometric ID program and its inability to protect privacy in relation to measures in Europe and the U.S. (Pam Dixon, Springer Nature, Health Technology. DOI 10.1007/s12553–017-0202-6.  http://rdcu.be/tsWv. Open Access, via Harvard-Based Technology Sciencehttps://techscience.org/a/2017082901/