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World Privacy Forum in the News:

A list of stories WPF has been quoted in from our early work to our most recent.

Press Contact:

+1 760-712-4281 or

World Privacy Forum and the Media:

The World Privacy Forum is a non-profit public interest research group with well-established privacy expertise. WPF is widely cited in major news outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Associated Press, Forbes, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, NPR, Time, Newsweek, Modern Healthcare, Politico, International Herald Tribune, International Business Times, Wissen, Agence France Presse, and many others. 

Press Releases:

See below.

News Release: WPF asks National Institutes of Health for Changes to Its Draft Genomics Data Sharing Policy

  San Diego, November 18, 2013 —  WPF filed comments today asking The National Institutes of Health to make changes to its draft Genomic Data Sharing Policy for sharing, for research purposes, of large-scale human and nonhuman genomic data. The World Privacy Forum comments focus on human genomic privacy. “We are most concerned in our comments

News Release: New GAO data broker report discusses key WPF work on sales of mental health lists, more

San Diego — 15 November, 2013: The General Accounting Office (GAO) issued its long-awaited report on data brokers, INFORMATION RESELLERS: Consumer Privacy Framework Needs to Reflect Changes in Technology and the Marketplace. The report discusses key World Privacy Forum testimony and research. “We are pleased with the GAO report,” said Pam Dixon, Executive Director of the World Privacy Forum. “In particular, we are glad the GAO highlighted our work calling for a stop to the selling of people’s sensitive medical and health information for marketing purposes. This is a practice that is causing great harm, the GAO made the right call in pointing out new controls are needed.” This press release includes links to the GAO report, to Dixon’s Congressional testimony, and to the WPF report discussed by the GAO.

News Release: WPF Publishes New Report on Government Use of Commercial Data Brokers

Today the World Privacy Forum published a report discussing the US federal government’s use of commercial data brokers, the implications for that usage, and what needs to be done to address privacy problems. The report argues that the government must bring itself fully to heel in the area of privacy, explaining that when government outsources its data needs to commercial data brokers, it needs to also attach the privacy standards it would have been held to if it had collected the data itself. Outsourcing can no longer be an excuse for evading privacy obligations.

News Release: WPF Publishes New Consumer Tips for Using Facebook Privacy Settings, First FAQ in a Series

Today the World Privacy Forum published the first of a series of new tips for users of Facebook, Facebook Privacy FAQs. “We are publishing online privacy tips for Facebook users in bite-size pieces so people can decipher the complex Facebook privacy settings and make meaningful changes and choices,” said Pam Dixon. “We are finding that too many consumers are confused about what the choices mean and how to make them.”