
New privacy rules for schools released; World Privacy Forum comments had positive impact for student and parent privacy

School privacy | FERPA — In May 2008 the World Privacy Forum submitted detailed comments on proposed changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations (FERPA). The FERPA regulations are the rules that control how schools treat and release student information. The final FERPA regulations have now been published and reveal that the World Privacy Forum comments had a positive impact. The new regulations agreed with WPF’s comment that if a school requests a Federal tax return from a parent, that the parent has the right to redact all financial information from the form, and affirmed that the school does not have a requirement to ask for the tax form in the first place. The regulations also agreed with the WPF comment that the risk of re-identification of published student information is cumulative, and made recommendations that educational institutions take into account all releases of student information it has made, not just new releases.

World Privacy Forum files comments on proposed rules regarding Patient Safety Organizations

Patient Safety Organizations | Proposed rulemaking — The World Privacy Forum filed extensive comments today regarding privacy protections for patients whose health care information will be shared with patient safety safety organizations under newly proposed Department of Health and Human Services regulations. After a landmark Institute of Medicine report on the prevalence of medical errors and their harmful impact on patients (To Err is Human), the U.S. Congress eventually passed the Patient Safety Act (2005). The Patient Safety Act allows extensive health care data of patients to go to patient safety organizations. The idea is to provide a form of quality control. The Agency for Heathcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of HHS, has published its proposed regulations implementing the Act. The World Privacy Forum has made 14 recommendations for substantive changes in the proposed rules to protect patient privacy. The World Privacy Forum asked the Agency to expressly mandate that all patient data be de-identified or anonymized to the greatest extent possible, that the proposed rule should expressly require data use agreements for any data sharing, that the patient information be labeled as subject to the Patient Safety Act, and strongly urged that patient safety organizations be required to maintain an accounting of disclosures at least equal to HIPAA, among other recommendations.