Public Comments: July 2004 – Whois Task Force 1 Preliminary Report

The WHOIS database contains registry data for individuals and companies that have registered domain names. Many individuals who have registered domain names and who have put accurate information in the registry do not realize that this information is available to the public, and is used by marketing companies. The WPF supports creating a tiered access system to WHOIS data that will protect domain registrants’ sensitive personal information.

Public Comments: June 2004 – WHOIS Task Force 2 Preliminary Report

In comments submitted to ICANN’s Task Forces 1 and 2 on the WHOIS Database, the World Privacy Forum has asked for tiered access to domain registry information. This would allow domain registrants the ability to keep home phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses private. The WPF has also asked that personal information in the WHOIS database not be made available to marketers.

Public Comments: June 2004 – Response from the State of California, Office of the Attorney General regarding Goggle’s Gmail Service

California AG Bill Lockyer has sent a letter to EPIC, PRC, and WPF regarding Gmail and California’s two-way consent requirement in its wiretapping laws. Lockyer wrote in a response dated June 4: “The potential exposure of Gmail users to liability for violation of Penal Code section 631 is of particular concern, as are the rights of those who are not subscribers to Gmail but who send e-mail to those who are.”

Public Comments: April 2004 – Communications privacy

31 Privacy and Civil Liberties Organizations Urge Google to Suspend Gmail and Address Privacy Concerns.. — Thirty one privacy and civil liberties organizations have signed a letter urging Google to suspend its Gmail service until the privacy issues are adequately addressed. The letter also requests that Google clarify its written information policies regarding data retention and data sharing among its business units.

Consumer fraud alert: job scams

Consumer Alert — The World Privacy Forum and the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse have become aware of a nationwide job scam currently in action. We are advising job seekers to avoid any response to job ads coming from Unk Electronics, Macrocommerce Intersales, and Nanjing Panada Electronics, and to be aware of the high potential for financial fraud and or identity theft if they have already responded to job ads from these companies.