World Privacy Forum Commemorates International ID Day 2024 and reaffirms the importance of ID systems that Do No Harm now, and cannot do harm in the future

Video and blog post by WPF Founder and Executive Director Pam Dixon commemorating International ID Day 2024, discussing the importance of ensuring legal identity for all people, and the equal importance of ensuring that identity systems and ecosystems Do no Harm and are built so they cannot do harm now, nor in the future.

WPF advises NIST regarding synthetic content and data governance

WPF filed comments with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology regarding its draft governance plan regarding synthetic content. WPF’s comments focused on 7 recommendationsWPF’s comments focused on 7 recommendations ranging from technical to policy issues. One overarching recommendation was that NIST ensure that human rights were attended to in all of its plans. Additional recommendations include requesting that NIST attend to the risks of digital exhaust in metadata, ensure that biometric data is included in the guidance, among other recommendations.