WPF Participating in ID Ecosystem Plenary

ID Ecosystem — WPF Senior Projects Manager Marianne Fitzpatrick will be participating at the ID Ecosystem’s Plenary meeting this week. Of top concern at the plenary will be a new ID theft use case that requires substantive discussion regarding privacy checks and balances. For more information, see NSTIC’s page on the National Strategy for Trusted Identities

WPF Discussing New Research in FTC Senior ID Theft Workshop

Senior Identity Theft – FTC — WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon will be speaking at the Federal Trade Commission Tuesday on the issue of Senior ID theft, and specifically, about medical forms of the crime. Dixon, who wrote the first report on medical ID theft and coined the term for the crime, will be presenting new

WPF Speaks at MSI’s Panel on Privacy and Trust

WPF on privacy and consumer trust — Pam Dixon is speaking on a panel on privacy and trust at Marketing Science Institute in Boston. The panel, led by John Deighton of the Harvard Business School, includes experts from EPIC, the DAA, and CBS.

WPF leading Senior ID Theft Workshop for LA County Social Workers

Senior ID Theft and Privacy  — Pam Dixon speaks to Los Angeles County social workers and financial abuse support teams today to share WPF’s wealth of information about medical identity theft and how this crime impacts seniors. The talk is titled Senior ID Theft – Issues, Causes, and Cures. WISE and Healthy Aging is hosting this important