Region: EU

Facebook, MySpace, Xing receive warning letters from EU consumer group

Social networks — In the wake of Europe’s Article 29 Working Party Opinion on Social Network Providers adopted in June, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) has sent out warning letters to five social networking providers in Germany, including Facebook and MySpace. The letters focus on the excessive rights the companies allow themselves in their respective Terms of Use agreements, and on shortcomings in the privacy policies. VZBV is comprised of 41 German consumer associations.

WPF participating at TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue meeting

TACD — The World Privacy Forum participated in the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue meetings in Brussels this June, and is pleased to announce that WPF is now a full member of the TACD. The TACD is a network of 80 EU and U.S. consumer organizations that develop joint consumer policy recommendations for the EU and U.S. in an effort to promote the consumer interest in transatlantic policymaking.