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Student Privacy 101: Why school directory information sharing is a major student privacy issue

Most parents and students do not know that under the law as it is now, Directory Information about students can be shared with third parties without parental or student consent. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act determines what kinds of information schools can share with third parties. Although directory information may sound innocuous, it can include information about each student that is quite detailed. Directory information can include:

Student Privacy 101: What is FERPA and why does it matter?

President Obama has announced that the White House will propose legislation for educational privacy reform. The administration needs to start with the basics and get FERPA right once and for all, because currently, FERPA is not doing the job it was intended to do. Here’s a backgrounder on this educational privacy cornerstone.

Privacy News: Obama launches sweeping privacy plan

President Obama announced a sweeping set of proposals around privacy today as he spoke from the venue of the FTC. The World Privacy Forum is pleased with the announcement, but retain some concerns. “We are pleased to see the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights head into actual legislation at long last, but we are concerned

Panel talk: Big data, privacy, and vulnerable populations

Pam Dixon will be speaking at the IAPP-FTC Practical Privacy Conference in Washington DC this week. The conference is from Dec. 2-3. Her panel talk will focus on privacy issues relating to identifiable large datasets and vulnerable populations. She will also be discussing the role of data brokers in compiling datasets and categorizing people, as