OECD Futures Expert Group

WPF’s Executive Director will be attending the OECD Expert Group Meeting on AI Futures, to be held virtually and at OECD headquarters 15 February 2024. Dixon was appointed to the group in 2023. More about the AI Futures Group here.

WPF Keynote at World Cannes AI Festival: Global Policy Responses to Advanced AI

WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon will be presenting a keynote speech at the World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival in Cannes, France.  The speech, Global Policy Responses to Advanced AI: Key trends and takeaways, will provide rich and ground-truthed examples of global AI policies directly from field research across the world that Dixon has personally conducted.

WPF hosting tutorial on Privacy in Computer Vision Systems at IEEE/WACV Conference

January 4-8, 2024 Organized by World Privacy Forum WPF has organized a robust and interactive tutorial on advanced AI governance and privacy for Computer Vision systems (and beyond), to be held at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). WACV is the premier international computer vision event comprised of a main conference

WPF’s Pam Dixon Keynote: Global policy responses to advanced AI, at the AI Engineering Innovation Summit 2023, Bangkok Thailand

WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon will give a keynote speech on global AI policy and governance at the AI Engineering Innovation Summit, 2023, to be held in Bangkok Thailand. This is a high-level national summit, with CMKL University and Carnegie Mellon University, and the Thailand Ministry of Higher Education Science, Research and Innovation which is