OECD Expert Group on AI Futures: presentation on future risks in AI

The OECD Expert Group on AI Futures will meet Friday 10 November in Paris, France to discuss three future scenarios regarding AI Risk. WPF Executive Director Pam Dixon is a member of the AI Futures group, and has been invited to present a synopsis of her views on key risks regarding AI. The OECD will

WPF attending White House Briefing on AI

The World Privacy Forum will be attending the White House Briefing on AI Monday 30 October. We will publish a post with our analysis of the new Executive Order. What: White House Briefing on AI When: Monday 30 October 2023, 10 am Eastern Where: Webinar, invitation only

Meeting: UN Statistical Commission

Who: UN Statistical Commission What: Working Group meeting: Data Stewardship, workstream leads meeting.  Pam Dixon will participate in this meeting as a workstream lead. When: 5 October 2023 Where: UN Headquarters NYC and virtual

WPF presenting in AI2AS Symposium: How can we protect human rights, including privacy, in an AI-driven world?

Pam Dixon will be making a presentation on how data protection, human rights, established and harmonized global safety standards, and AI governance can be integrated. It is a significant presentation that outlines potential pathways to inclusive and empirically-based governance.  Session: How can we protect human rights, including privacy, in an AI-driven world? Sep 14, 2023,