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Digital Identity Ecosystems

Identity is a data-rich key that acts to unlock all levels of the emerging digital ecosystem. All forms of ID carry some risk, but digital forms of ID, or “dematerialized ID,” cuts across all sectors and generates particularly copious data about people, their behaviors, financial status, associates, and potentially even political and religious views. Over time, distinct patterns emerge from the data and have in the past created new kinds of risks for individuals and groups…..

Marriott data breach: key tips

The Marriott data breach announced on Nov. 30, 2018 is a significant breach, reaching across multiple countries and affecting an estimated 500 million people. The breach includes an array of data that does create the potential for meaningful identity theft risk. Who does the breach affect? The breach affected guests who booked through Marriott’s Starwood

FTC announces expanded settlement with Uber, WPF comments included

The FTC finalized an expanded settlement with Uber, Inc. regarding the company’s data security practices. According to the FTC complaint, in the midst of the Commission’s original investigation, Uber experienced a second serious breach and waited more than a year after learning of the breach before informing the public or the Commission. The World Privacy Forum

The New Data Ethics: building a pathway forward

A data ethics conversation has been growing on a global scale for some time now, but particularly since 2015, when the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued an Opinion on the matter and formed a Data Ethics Advisory Group to further consider the issue. Along the way, other countries, such as Canada, have begun formal