
Updated Consumer Tips for Medical ID Theft

Medical ID theft — Based on interviews with numerous victims and others involved in the crime of medical identity theft, and based on our own work with victims, the World Privacy Forum has added some new information to its 2006 consumer tips for medical identity theft. We have also slightly updated some of the older tips based on new information. The Forum has also updated its medical identity theft landing page to reflect our new and ongoing work in this area.

Legal and Policy Analysis: Personal Health Records: Why Many PHRs Threaten Privacy

New publication | PHRs and privacy — The World Privacy Forum has published a new legal and policy analysis examining Personal Health Records — or PHRs — and the privacy issues associated with them. This analysis, Personal Health Records: Why Many PHRs Threaten Privacy, was prepared by Robert Gellman for the World Privacy Forum. The analysis finds that significant, serious threats to privacy exist in some PHRs.

WPF Consumer Advisory: The Potential Privacy Risks in Personal Health Records Every Consumer Needs to Know About

Consumer advisory | PHRs and privacy — The World Privacy Forum has issued a consumer advisory about the privacy of PHRs to help consumers understand and approach the complex privacy issues PHRs can raise. Consumers need to know that not all PHRs protect privacy in the same way, and some PHR systems can undermine consumer privacy in serious ways that consumers may not be expecting.

Personal Health Records: Introduction

Personal health records – or PHRs – are a relatively new phenomenon in health care today. As discussed here, a PHR is a health record about a consumer that includes data gathered from different sources (e.g., health care providers, insurers, the consumer, and third parties such as gyms and others) and is made accessible, often online, to the consumer and to those authorized by the consumer. Businesses large and small are moving to take advantage of the potentially lucrative new business model PHRs provide, especially as leveraged through the Internet. Some of the newest PHR players include large and well-known technology companies, but some health care providers, insurers, and employers also promote PHRs. There are dozens of different PHR vendors.

Personal Health Records: Discussion

The HIPAA privacy rule provides a degree of privacy protection for covered health records. The rule has problems and gaps, but it does establish minimum national privacy standards for disclosure, access, correction, and other elements of fair information practices. State laws that provide additional privacy protections remain in effect and can provide additional legal protections for privacy.