WPF participates in White House Roundtable on Data Brokers

The World Privacy Forum was honored to participate in a White House Roundtable on the topic of Data Brokers, a topic WPF has spent decades researching and working on. In its readout of the roundtable, the White House noted that “Participants underscored how the data broker economy enables discriminatory practices in credit underwriting, insurance, housing,

WPF advises FTC regarding health data breach notification rule

The World Privacy Forum filed comments regarding the US Federal Trade Commission’s 2023 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Health Breach Notification. This marks the second set of comments WPF has filed, our first being in 2009 regarding the first iteration of the Health Breach Rule. The comments are technical, and focus on the fundamental challenges

WPF advises HHS regarding proposed changes to standards for privacy under HIPAA

WPF provided detailed comments to the US Department of Health and Human Services regarding its proposal for changes to HIPAA regarding modifications to the Privacy Rule. Specifically, HHS proposed modifications to standards for the privacy of individually identifiable health information. WPF supports many of the changes proposed in the NPRM.

WPF’s contribution to ID4Africa Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection in ID Systems, Nairobi, Kenya 2023

The World Privacy Forum is pleased to provide a summary of Executive Director Pam Dixon’s work in Nairobi, Kenya at the ID4Africa AGM. Dixon served as the Senior Special Rapporteur for two workshops at the 2023 ID4Africa Annual General Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya 23-25 May. In June, ID4Africa hosted a live cast of  key participants from

A potential path forward after the Irish Data Protection Commission enforcement decision regarding Meta Ireland

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has determined that Meta Ireland infringed Article 46(1) of the GDPR when it “continued to transfer personal data from the EU/EEA to the USA following the delivery of the CJEU’s judgment in Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Limited and Maximillian Schrems.” The DPC has given Meta Ireland 6 months to find a solution. This is just enough time to create the possibility of a road forward; a possibility which is contained primarily in the effective implementation of proposed European – U.S. Data Privacy Framework on the part of the U.S. and the EU.