International Privacy

First International Privacy and Security Conference (IPSC2008) in Tokyo Nov. 11-12 Brings Together World Experts to Share Solutions and Information on the Privacy and Security Impact of the World Economic Crisis, Data Leakages, New Global Data Issues, and

The conference, the first of its kind to be held in Japan, bring together the world’s leading privacy and security experts from Japan, the European Union, and the United States to discuss issues in common from a global perspective. Conference experts will share their best information, policies, practices, and ideas on how to solve the pressing privacy and security issues of today and those we willface in the future, including the impact of the economic crisis on data security and privacy.

World Privacy Forum Announces IPSC2008 Conference in Tokyo, Japan

IPSC2008 Conference — The World Privacy Forum is co-hosting the first International Privacy and Security Conference 2008 (IPSC2008), to be held in Tokyo, Japan on November 11-12, 2008. Also co-hosting the conference are the Japan-based Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics, and the Japan Society of Security Management. This conference brings together Japan’s leading privacy and security experts and scholars as well as experts from the US and the EU.

News Release and Event Announcement: International Privacy and Security Conference 2008

This conference is convened for the purpose of gaining a deepened mutual understanding of privacy and security approaches cross-culturally, with the conference providing an international forum for discussing and understanding the different concepts of privacy and security in the US, Asia, and the EU. Through sharing of current practices and ideas, the participants will explore possible bridges between what these concepts mean in different countries both now and looking to the future as well.

OECD reaffirms its support for the 1980 OECD principles on privacy, or “Fair Information Practices”

OECD | Fair Information Practices — At a key meeting of the OECD on the future of the Internet economy, the OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria reaffirmed support of the 1980 OECD Privacy Principles. Also, Secretary General Angel Gurria expressed support for formalizing the participation of civil society in OECD going forward and for paying more attention to information security and identity theft problems. Secretary General Gurria noted that “A more decentralised, networked approach to policy formulation for the Internet Economy that includes the active participation of stakeholders needs to be the norm.” Many parts of the recent OECD meeting may be viewed online.