WPF participating in Biometric Congress

WPF will be participating in multiple events at the Biometric Congress 31 October – 3 November in London. Executive Director Pam Dixon will be presenting a privacy briefing to the Congress 31 October, and will also be participating in a NIST biometrics workshop and a biometric authentication workshop. The Biometrics Congress is an annual gathering

Updated: Three steps to take today if you have been impacted by the Equifax data breach

We have updated our tips for immediate steps victims (or potential victims) of the Equifax data breach can take. In this updated version of our tips, we have added information for individuals in the UK who want to check and see if they have been affected by the breach, and additional information for US consumers.

The Profound Implications of U.S. v. Microsoft

In the world of privacy and global digital communications, the case of the United States v. Microsoft is a big deal. In June 2016 Microsoft won a victory in the case in the U.S. 2nd Circuit. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court surprised many when it announced that it granted a petition to review Microsoft’s